Veridian Adult ADHD Clinic
Adult ADHD can negatively impact your ability to focus, concentrate, plan, organize, carry out professional or everyday tasks and responsibilities.
With the appropriate diagnosis and treatment, you can attain better focus, concentration, productivity, and organization to your work and life and work.
1. Adult ADHD Diagnostic Assessment
Do you wonder if you have symptoms of ADHD as an adult? The assessment and diagnosis of adult ADHD involves a careful review of past and current symptoms.
If you have never been diagnosed with ADHD and you are struggling with focus and concentration, request a free consultation to see if your symptoms warrant an ADHD diagnostic assessment.
2. Adult ADHD medication management
If you are diagnosed with ADHD by us, Dr. Wang is able to medication provide follow up to suitable individuals. Those with BC MSP can be followed for medication management under BC MSP coverage.